The reason why shoulder injuries never heal or get better is that the shoulder keeps getting re-injured over and over again - let me explain. Once the shoulder is injured, the delicate muscles and tendons around the shoulder joint lose the ability to support the shoulder and keep it firmly within the shoulder socket. This is why you can hear cracking sounds and feel pain. Instead of being held in a strong position, the shoulder is forced to move while being in a weak position - practically popping in and out of its socket! This is continuously causing re-injury. All your shoulder needs is extra support to keep it in a strong position while it recovers, so it could avoid the constant re-injuries. That's where Kinetix Shoulder Brace comes in!
Our Footpathemed® Shoulder Brace uses a proprietary Neo-Copper Stabilizing technology. This combines the soft flexibility of Neoprene fabric with the strong metallic properties of copper particles to provide the right amount of support to put the shoulder in a strong position, without sacrificing mobility. Almost like an extra set of fake muscles and ligaments designed to support your real ones.
It doesn't matter if your shoulder pain is caused by a rotator cuff injury, osteoarthritis, frozen shoulder, or pinched nerves, the Footpathemed® Shoulder Brace will help get rid of the pain and speed up recovery. No matter what sort of shoulder pain you're experiencing, the root cause of it all is some form of injury or inflammation in the shoulder. And putting your shoulder in a stable position that allows it to recover without continuous re-injury is vital for your recovery.
What could potentially be a huge problem is that with each re-injury, the shoulder gets closer to never being able to function the way it did. Scar tissue can continuously build, causing permanent pain and loss of movement. Don't sit around hoping for your shoulder pain to go away. And don't rely on pain medications or massages that just get rid of the pain temporarily. You need to give your shoulder the chance to recover!